March 14, 2021

A Sure Foundation Pt3

Passage: Hebrews 1:1-2
Service Type:

"I want to get this on God's Word, for after all, this is the only foundation that anyone can build on, correctly. God will never recognize any foundation but this Word. 'For no other foundation can be laid than that which is already laid.' Is that...? And this is God's Word in the beginning, if anything else is said, if it doesn't compare with this Word, then it isn't of God, I wouldn't think; 'cause the Bible said, 'He that takes away, or adds to: the same shall be taken out of, his part, out of the Book of Life.' So, we want to be sure that we keep our doctrine always on THUS SAITH THE LORD." ~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (53-1121)

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