June 9, 2019

Church Age Study – Lessons 23 & 24

Passage: Revelation 2:8
Service Type:

Bible Text: Revelation 2:8 | Preacher: Brother Trevor Emond | Series: Church Age Study | “You see, they could not figure out God’s love. They thought that love meant no suffering. They thought that love meant a baby with parental care. But God said that His love was ‘elective’ love. The proof of His love is ELECTION — that no matter what happened, His love was proven truly by the fact they were chosen unto salvation (because God hath chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth). He may commit you to death as He did Paul. He may commit you to suffering as He did Job. That is His prerogative. He is sovereign. But it is all with a purpose. If He did not have a purpose, then He would be the author of frustration and not of peace. His purpose is that after we have suffered awhile we would be made perfect, be established, strengthened and settled. As Job said, ‘He puts strength in us.’ (Job 23:6b.) You see He, Himself, suffered. He learned obedience by the things that He suffered. He was actually made perfect by the things that He suffered.”
~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (Church Age Book)

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