December 16, 2018

Church Age Study – Lessons 8 & 9

Passage: Revelation 1:5
Service Type:

Bible Text: Revelation 1:5 | Preacher: Brother Trevor Emond | Series: Church Age Study | “It says that WE ARE THE VERY RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD HIMSELF by being IN CHRIST. It says that He (Jesus) became SIN for us. It does not say He became sinful, but became SIN for us that by our union with Him we might become the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God. If we accept the fact (and we must) that He literally became SIN for us by His substitution for us, then we must also accept the fact that we by our union with Him have become the VERY RIGHTEOUSNESS of God. To reject one is to reject the other. To accept the one is to accept the other.”
~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (Church Age Book)

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