October 16, 2016

Mouth To Mouth

Passage: Numbers 12:6
Service Type:

Bible Text: Numbers 12:6 | Preacher: Brother Jack Duff | Series: Special Services | “Now, we want to turn our attentions just a moment to the attitude of Miriam and Aaron. They thought that Moses had done wrong. They wanted to correct him. God was speaking to them, truly, but He said, “If there be one among you who’s a prophet, I’ll visit him in miracles or visions, and appear to him in dreams, and so forth. But Moses, I have spoke mouth to mouth with him.” And Miriam was stricken with leprosy immediately, and Aaron run in, ’cause Miriam was Moses’ own sister. So it doesn’t pay to talk about God’s servant, does it?”
~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (53-1130)

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