January 31, 2024

The Importance Of An Absolute Pt19 (New Testament Prophets)

Passage: John 6:28-29
Service Type:

"…the Keystone of the Bible. It is the revelation that God never changes, and that His ways are as unchangeable as He is." ~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (Church Age Book)

"...as long as there is apostles, there has got to be a prophet. As long as there is a prophet, there has got to be an--an evangelist. Why is it ministers say, “There is a pastor and evangelist, but there is no prophet”? See, that’s picking what you want to, making It say something It doesn’t. But God is His Own Interpreter of His Word. He says whether It’s right or not." ~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (64-0214)

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