Wednesday, December 14th will be a ‘Humble Night‘ at Church Of The Open Door.
Brothers are invited to wear their outdoor work clothes and sisters are invited to wear something modest that they would wear to work in the garden, etc.
“And I said, ‘Now, Wednesday night is–is humble night here at the Tabernacle’. I said, ‘Now, all you brothers, wear your work clothes, your overalls. I’m going to preach in my overalls‘.” ~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (50-0200) 11:52:562016-12-09 13:39:04Humble Night – December 2016
Our precious Brother Gordon Tutani has gone to be with the Lord.
Brother G preached for us recently (‘The Word Of God Is A Vision’ – September 11th, 2016) and blessed our hearts tremendously. He was an encouragement to many through his ministry, his work at the Still Waters camps, and as the VGR office manager in Zimbabwe. He believed in drawing the circle bigger and was a pillar of unity among the Bride of Jesus Christ.
Brother G fought a good fight, he finished his course, he kept The Faith: Henceforth there is laid up for Brother G a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give him at that day: and not to Brother G only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.
Please remember the Tutani family in your prayers during this time. 13:34:292016-11-17 13:40:54Brother Gordon Tutani
Sunday – December 18th
/in Church Of The Open Door /by nathanThe roads and parking lot appear to be clear, so we will be having our Sunday services Lord willing.
Please use your own discretion for your family’s specific situation and road conditions.
Humble Night – December 2016
/in Church Of The Open Door /by nathanWednesday, December 14th will be a ‘Humble Night‘ at Church Of The Open Door.
Brothers are invited to wear their outdoor work clothes and sisters are invited to wear something modest that they would wear to work in the garden, etc.
“And I said, ‘Now, Wednesday night is–is humble night here at the Tabernacle’. I said, ‘Now, all you brothers, wear your work clothes, your overalls. I’m going to preach in my overalls‘.” ~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (50-0200)
Brother Gordon Tutani
/in Church Of The Open Door /by nathanBro. Nathan and Bro. Gordon (09/11/16)
Our precious Brother Gordon Tutani has gone to be with the Lord.
Brother G preached for us recently (‘The Word Of God Is A Vision’ – September 11th, 2016) and blessed our hearts tremendously. He was an encouragement to many through his ministry, his work at the Still Waters camps, and as the VGR office manager in Zimbabwe. He believed in drawing the circle bigger and was a pillar of unity among the Bride of Jesus Christ.
Brother G fought a good fight, he finished his course, he kept The Faith: Henceforth there is laid up for Brother G a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give him at that day: and not to Brother G only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.
Please remember the Tutani family in your prayers during this time.