
Brother Jerry Beharry from Orlando, Florida will be preaching for us Wednesday, July 17th.

* Brother Lynual Younce was unable to make it to our 4th of July services due to medical reasons, but we want to re-schedule with him for upcoming services. We will keep the website updated with this information.

4th Of July Meetings 2013

Church Of The Open Door will be hosting special services 4th of July weekend.

Friday July 5th @ 7:30PM (Special Singing Guest: Brother Lynual Younce)

Saturday July 6th @ 7:30PM (Guest Preacher: Brother Tim Cross)

Sunday July 7th @ 11AM (Guest Preacher: Brother Tim Cross)

Location: 3306 Plaza Drive Suite 100 New Albany, IN

Bro Lynual Younce Bro Tim Cross


We are very excited about our special guests, but most importantly we have invited the presence of the LORD. We know that He will be with us because He promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), and that where two or three are gathered in His name, there He will be in the midst of them (St. Matthew 18:20). Come expecting a miracle!


You usually get what you expect. You come to criticize the meeting, you… The devil will show you something to criticize. You coming to get healed, God will see that you get it. You usually get what you expect. Yes, say, “I was expecting this, and I was expecting that.” What you expect, God will see that you get, you’ll usually get it.” ~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (53-0507)

A Pleasant Surprise


When we arrived at church Sunday morning we noticed something new on the wall behind the pulpit.

“Be still, and know that I am God” ~ Psalm 46:10a



Special thanks to the three precious brothers (Bro. Sam Borlovan, Bro. Bill Layton, and Bro. Bill Yarbrough) for their burden to do something for the Lord, the work involved, and the creativity used in doing this project for the church which will be a blessing to everyone who reads It.

May God return the blessing a hundredfold is our prayer.

Easter 2013 is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the LORD lay.” ~ St. Matthew 28:6

Church Of The Open Door will be having Easter services Sunday, March 31st, 2013

Service times: 11AM and 7:30PM

Location: 3306 Plaza Drive Suite 100 | New Albany, IN 47130

Christian Baptism

I had the honor and privilege of baptizing my little niece (Treasure Ann Bryant) in Christian Baptism last night.

20130208-102801.jpg“Why, someone said to me one time, said, “Brother Branham, why do you baptize children?” Jesus said, “Suffer little children to come to Me.” That is, suffer, let them come.
Said, “Well, she doesn’t know what she’s doing.” She’d know she done wrong, wouldn’t she? You think that child wouldn’t know when she done wrong? If she’s old enough to know what—when she’s done wrong, she’s old enough to know when she’s done right. What if something would happened to her, and I’d forbid her, then that blood would be on my hands at the day of judgment. Yes, sir. No matter what age they are, when you’re—when they want to come, you let them come. That’s right.”
~ Rev. William Marrion Branham
(59-0329M – “Water Baptism”)