Sunday 11am & 6:30pm Wednesday 7:30pm

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Church Services – May Updates

Memorial Day Meetings:

* We will not be having Memorial Day meetings this year. We have rescheduled our Memorial Day meetings for 2021 with the brothers from Louisiana.

May Service Schedule:
* Sunday AM, May 3rd – Wednesday, May 6th (online only).
* Sunday AM, May 10th – Wednesday, May 13th (last names beginning with A-H).
* Sunday AM, May 17th – Wednesday, May 20th (last names beginning with I-Z).
* Sunday AM, May 24th – Wednesday, May 27th (last names beginning with A-H).
* Sunday AM, May 31st – Wednesday, June 3rd (last names beginning with I-Z).
* You may not change to a different week if you cannot attend your alphabetically assigned services due to sickness, travel, etc.
* We will not being having Sunday school through May.

* We will not be having Sunday evening services through May.

Streaming Services:

* Streaming will remain open until we go back to full attendance, at which point we plan on switching to a password requirement for live streaming. We will update the church website with information on how to register for a streaming password a week or so prior to that.

Service Guidelines:
* We are recommending anyone 65+ to stream the services.
* If anyone has a fever, cold or flu symptoms: please stay home.
* We will be seating people on every other row, to respect social distancing during this time.
* Household units / family members will need to sit together.
* There needs to be reasonable spacing between non-family members.

* We will be blocking off the water fountain during this time.
* Limit two people in the downstairs restrooms at a time and one in the upstairs restroom (for social distancing purposes).
* Please park every other parking place if possible.
* The deacons will have something available in the entryway for any tithes and offerings as you exit (instead of passing the baskets).
* Deacons will dismiss you by row at the end of service. Please go on outside (unless you are remaining in the sanctuary to pray), instead of congregating in the entryway.
* Please go to your vehicles once you are dismissed and respect social distancing as much as possible. We do not want our good to be evil spoken of (Romans 14:16).
* Please follow these instructions and be patient with our deacons during this time, as I have asked them to enforce these rules.

Thank you and God bless you during this time and always, ~ Bro. Nathan Bryant

Internet Services – April Updates

We will continue having Sunday morning and Wednesday evening online only services, through the end of April, unless a vaccine, etc. is discovered that lifts the quarantine earlier than expected. It is heartbreaking that all of us will not be able to assemble together in person for Easter, but I am thankful that we have an option to still be able to enjoy the services online.

The Live Streaming link (at the top of the page) has been updated to use embedded videos on our website, instead of redirecting to a different page. If you have been going directly to the YouTube channel, to stream services, this will not work moving forward. Please access streaming via the “Live Streaming” link at the top of the website.

The Archived Sermons link (at the top of the page) has been updated as well, to include archived video, in addition to the existing archived audio and sermon notes. We will be moving older audio archives over to the new page one archived year at a time.

Over the next few months we plan to make some additional updates to the church website, including a much-requested Music page.

May God continue to richly bless you and your families.

Till we meet, ~ Bro. Nathan Bryant

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” ~ St. John 14:27

And why does God let troubles come? God harnesses trouble, puts bits in its mouth and makes it obey Him, and those troubles bring us into a closer fellowship with God.” ~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (60-0417S)

Internet Services Only

After prayer and consideration, I believe it is best for our church to have internet services through April 7th, during these troubling times.

Lord willing, we will have live audio and video streaming available during our normal service times on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Our Sunday evening services are canceled during that time frame. Services will still be archived afterwards.

Streaming Information:
Streaming should begin approximately five minutes prior to each scheduled service. This is a first for us, but let’s take this opportunity to set aside some time for God. He has given us some extra time at home during this crisis; let’s use that time wisely for Him. Even though you are watching from home, we would encourage you to enter into the worship and services, just like you were here. Gather the family around and pray for the service during pre-service. Sing along with us, ‘amen‘ the Word, take notes if something stands out to you, worship and praise the Lord Jesus with us.

Use the Live Streaming link in the top menu of the church website.

I covet your prayers and ask that you would remember our brothers and sisters around the world and all those who are sick and suffering during this time. May the pressures of this age bring us closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.

God bless you! ~ Bro. Nathan Bryant

“…perfect peace, and at such a time.” ~ Ezra 7:12b

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” ~ Isaiah 26:3

“...just in this darkest of hour, then here comes Jesus moving in…” ~ Rev. William Marrion Branham (57-0407E)

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